Weleda Teams Up with Terracycle to Increase Plastic Packaging Recycling

It’s been great hearing about all the recycling initiatives from brands this week for Recycling Week 2020.

If, like me, you’re frustrated with the limited recycling services offered by your local council then you’ll be pleased to hear that Weleda has partnered with TerraCycle to offer nationwide drop off points to recycle its soft plastic tubes.

This Weleda Plastic Recycling Programme was created because of the limitations of standard kerb-side recycling services so this partnership will ensure these soft tubes don’t go to landfill.

By dropping off your tubes for recycling with Terracycle, you’ll also be supporting the Whitely Fund for Nature which is supporting the Global Penguin Society conservation charity.

Did you know…

Behind the scenes Weleda has always considered its packaging and sustainability to ensure it treads lightly on the planet with less waste and is constantly developing ways to use more recycled materials, as well as selecting the most appropriate materials for individual products so that the quality formulations are protected. 

Fun facts…

  • 46% of Weleda packaging is currently made from recycled materials. The aim is to steadily increase this year on year as new technologies and new packaging designs become available.
  • The recyclable glass bottles are made from 85% recycled glass (the highest % possible).
  • All transport packaging and sturdy brown boxes are made from 100% recycled board.
  • Weleda’s ‘soft touch’ plastic tubes are made from 50% PCR (post-consumer waste).

So get on board and save the packaging from the following Weleda products to recycle:

  • Skin Food Original and Skin Food Light
  • Beauty balms
  • Body washes/shower gels/body scrubs
  • Sunscreen and after-sun lotions
  • Lip balms
  • Hair bare
  • Mini and travel size soft touch plastic tubes

You can find your nearest Terracycle drop off point here.

Once your soft plastic tubes are collected for recycling, what happens next? Terracycle will use what’s called a circular method for repurposing waste so that it doesn’t end up in landfill. Find out more about how Terracycle solves the issues of waste here.

4 thoughts on “Weleda Teams Up with Terracycle to Increase Plastic Packaging Recycling

  1. Hi Yanar. We are really interested to read your blog – there is lots of great stuff here! As a recycling company, we have concerns that businesses are becoming more reliant on using ‘specialist schemes’, rather than working with recycling companies to better understand the process and create packaging that can be widely recycled. Sadly we see much of this packaging in our kerbside recycling because the general public simply don’t understand the difference. There are lots of materials that are widely recyclable, but companies choose not to use them for a variety of reasons. There does seem to be a strong focus on recycling companies changing how they operate, rather than manufactures developing a better understanding of the process and creating products and packaging that can be more easily recycled in kerbside schemes! If more people could get a better understanding of the process, we are confident that they would understand the limitations that kerbside schemes face, and perhaps help us lobby for businesses that create products and packaging to make simple changes to their processes so that they can be more widely recycled. You might be interested to check out our blog post: https://www.jbrecycling.co.uk/jb-knowledge/greenwashing-and-wishcycling


  2. Recycled PET material – known as RPET – is one of the most widely used sustainable alternatives on the market. More and more products are being packaged in this material thanks to its positive qualities, both commercially and environmentally.

    According to Greenpeace, recycled PET is one of the best solutions for packaging products, reducing the impact on the environment.


  3. Hi Yanar, we have been reading your page for a while now, you are an inspiration. I wanted to introduce you to MettaLife it is an online Ethical vegan lifestyle platform. We now have over 100 UK independent small businesses on there selling a huge selection of reusable, plastic-free and eco-friendly homewares and gifts. We would love you to head over to https://mettalife.co.uk/ I would also love to send you some of our products to review.
    Kindest regards, Sharon Hemmings

