Why I Signed Up for 100 Miles in February Fitness Challenge – and How It’s Going

Confession: During this lockdown 3.0, there have been days when I haven’t left the house, even though I’m always encouraging others to get outside every day. I haven’t stopped training and doing my workouts but they’ve all been indoors (at the furthest, in the communal corridor) so sometimes that walk outside just never happens. Naughty I know – especially for a health and fitness editor! – so I was keen to do something about this bad habit creeping in.

I’ve been reading Dallas Hartwig’s The 4 Season Solution and felt drawn to his account of why humans, in line with the rest of nature, have different rhythms throughout the year and why we should honour a slower pace in winter. So let’s say my desire to stay cocooned has been part lockdown-lethargy and part Janaury’s fault (read this Instagram post about this).

So as January was coming to an end and I was keen to get moving again, a friend suggested doing a fitness challenge to cover 100 miles of running, walking or cycling across the month of February for Street Doctors charity – it didn’t take me long to sign up. It felt like just the push and nudge I needed so I jumped right in.

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